The Gardens and Grounds of the J. E. Reeves Home

The J. E. Reeves Victorian Home is surrounded by lovely gardens and grounds. Using the elements of garden design typical to the Victorian Era, the gardens are enjoying a rebirth. Starting with the Snowdrops and Crocus of early spring and ending with the Monskhood and Michaelmas Daisies of fall, something is always in bloom. Flowering shrubs, ornamental vines, and roses make these gardens unique and unforgettable. The gardens feature many heirloom annuals such as Nicandra, Cleome, Mirabilis, and named selections of Coleus creating a feel for the golden era of American floriculture.
A separate formal rose garden, a Victorian carpet bed, a butterfly habitat and a large perennial border are some of the pleasures waiting for the visitor. Admission to the garden is free.
Come see the Commemorative Patio in front of the Carriage House!! For the past year the Dover Historical Society has sold Commemorative Bricks and they are now installed along with historic hexagon pavers from the Feil House that used to stand in Dover.